Boise Farmers Market Outdoor Grocery
Thank you for shopping local! We appreciate your support of our Boise Farmers Market vendors and for giving us the chance to provide you and your family with delicious, healthy, local foods. The Boise Farmers Market will be a little different than you are used to. We will be operating more like a grocery store, and we ask that you please follow these guidelines to ensure the safety of both our vendors and fellow shoppers:
Outdoor Grocery Guidelines
We are happy to be open and be able to offer local food to our community. Because your safety and the safety of our vendors is of utmost importance, we will be minimizing the number of people shopping at one time.
The farmers market will look different. There will be less vendors. For ease and expediency, we will be setup as an outdoor grocery store and will be taking reservations in 30 minute increments. We ask that you not loiter, that you shop quickly, and that you only buy enough food for a couple of weeks, so we can serve as many people as possible.
You must reserve a shopping time. We will still be open every Saturday from 9:00am - 1:00pm at 1500 Shoreline Drive. We ask that you please reserve a 30 minute window to do your shopping. This will allow us to control the amount of people who are shopping at any given time.
If you and everyone in your household is well, please come and support our local farmers! Choose a shopping time, come to the farmers market within the window of time you have chosen, and gather up the local food goodness!
We appreciate our Farmers Market Community. See you on Saturday!
The safety of our customers and vendors is our top priority. Here are the precautions we would like you to take, and the precautions we will be taking, while you shop at our outdoor grocery store.
Customer precautions:
Please don’t come to the farmers market if you or anyone in your household is sick.
BFM will be setup as a fenced grocery store.
Social Distancing rules will be followed and encouraged with marks on the pavement 6’ in front of each booth. Vendors who traditionally have lines will have lines marked on the ground for spacing at 6’ increments.
Customers will stay behind the line that is marked in front of each booth.
Please show up during the window of time you chose. Not early.
Customer numbers will be limited on-site and once the appropriate number of customers has been reached, customers will be allowed in one-in, one-out. This may go smoothly or it may take awhile. Please be patient.
Customers are encouraged to shop quickly and leave. No loitering, please.
There will be two hand wash stations with attendants available for the public to wash their hands. Sanitizer will also be available.
There will NOT be a public restroom onsite.
Vendors will assist with gathering product. Customers will not touch product.
Product will be placed in customer’s shopping bag, or handed to customer, by vendor.
Customer will pay a separate vendor for their purchase.
Please bring your patience and we'll do our best to make sure your shopping experience is a good one!
Vendor precautions:
Produce/Products will be handled by as few people as possible.
Sick workers will not handle products or pick produce.
Vendors will not come to the market if they or anyone in their household is sick.
Booths will be kept as simple as possible so they are easily wiped down with a clorox wipe or disinfectant if needed.
Vendors will be setup like a grocery store for easy shopping. All produce vendors will be side by side, all meat vendors will be side by side, etc.
Vendors will be wearing gloves and will change them if they get contaminated in any way.
Vendors will have a hand wash station out and visible and will wash hands and change gloves every hour or if they get contaminated by touching another person or a contaminated surface.
There will be a "do not cross" line in front of each booth that customers will stand behind.
2 people will work each booth so one person can hand off products and the other can handle money.
Vendors who traditionally have lines will be placed on the ends and lines with 6’ spacing will be marked on the ground for each one.
While onsite, vendors will follow the 6’ distancing rule at all times.